Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Skate and the city

A visual documentation of the various facets in the local skate culture
module code : ID3121 Design Case Study

- skate and the city -



guerrrilla said...

eh??... my first komment disappeared. haHaha!! thats kewl. i spy with my little eye.... Somerset MRT & CBD!!!! fwaar. memories. gerek sia. thats the skate shop at far east right? twas newly opened the last time i was back in singapore. lost my nut and bought an emergency replacement. heh.

you got a fine??!! is it still S$350? damn. i kena before. guess the legal "situation" back on the evil isle hasnt changed all that much. by the way, i really LOVE!! your fotos. you have got to upload them onto guerrrilla skateboards group!! they are amazing. i hate it when civvies or journos attempt to take fotos of skaters. this is not arrogance... but we always end up looking like retards. haHaha!!

always takes a skater to take good skate fotos hey?! in the meantime GOOD LUCK with your projekt!!!!! it seems very exciting. look forward to seeing more ;-)

Rashid Lee said...

ooh yeah. I think its still is $350 buckaroos. But you're right, anyone else who has no affinity for the board can't really do us justice. Be it photographs, skateparks ( ill-design by the urban devevelopment ) and other stuff like electronic products ( sumanjin designed a suppsoed mp3 player for skaters )